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Swedish Massage

As the traditionally performed massage, often known as classic massage, Swedish massage focuses on a gentle, soothing experience that invigorates the body as well as the mind. As the setting is typically peaceful, many people opt to have Swedish massages outside of the confines of a parlour - and home, offices and even hotel rooms are often favoured for the full relaxing benefits.

What is Swedish massage?

This form of massage is focused on the superficial layers of the body and aims to promote circulation for a healthier immune system and more. It’s also an extremely useful tool when treating mental health through relaxation and general well-being.

What are the benefits of Swedish massage?

Swedish massage is a gentle, serene practice that is undertaken with long sweeping motions and circular movements performed by a gentle hand. If you need help with the following this type of massage could be for you:

  • Minor aches and pains
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • PMS symptoms
  • Increased circulation


  • 45 min / £50 per session
  • 60 min / £60 per session
  • 90 min/ £80 per session
  • 120 min/ £100 per session

There are a number of areas that are treated during the massage session, such as the lower spine, legs, back, shoulders, neck, chest and head. For the right services for your needs, please contact me and I will advise you on the best course of action.

Swedish massage for a host of needs

If you have never had a massage before or are tired of having the relaxing feeling wear off as soon as you have to travel home, my mobile massage services Nottinghamshire could be the perfect solution.